As faculty, you are the bridge between students and administration.
We need YOUR help to transition the campus to 100% renewable energy.
At over 2,000 strong, the faculty on this campus have a unique ability to enact the changes they want to see. Through pathways like the Senate Faculty, department hierarchies, and connections with Bascom, faculty members can advocate for the changes they want to see that will keep this campus as cutting edge and competitive as possible
How You Can Help
Tell your story in op-eds or Letter to the Editor's to campus and local media outlets
Being the voice of University Staff is a crucial piece to the whole cleaner energy puzzle. The importance of buzz generated by media reports and the subsequent talk that follows is hard to overstate with an issue such as clean energy. The more our mission and goals are brought to the attention of the public, the better. |
Bring it up to Bascom
Chancellor Blank and Vice Chancellor Heller are two major decision-makers in the push for cleaner energy on this campus and their offices reside in Bascom Hall. These individuals have shown that they have the best interest of the University, as a whole, at heart. It is important that those in Bascom see that support for cleaner energy does not stop at the students but the faculty have a vested interest in this as well. |
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