As community members, you have the ability to positive influence the city's policies. We need YOUR help to transition the campus to 100% renewable energy.
The Madison and Dane County communities are making amazing strides when it comes to implementing clean energy and more sustainable practices. In order to extend this practice to campus, we need the community's help and guidance. The lack of renewable energy being used by UW-Madison has a negative impact on the community. As a result of the mass amounts of non-renewable resources and energy the campus uses, it drags down the positive influence that the City of Madison could be having on the rest of the state. We want UW-Madison and community members to work together and set a positive example that could ripple across the entire state, leading to a healthier and happier future for Wisconsin.
How You Can Help
Call or Write to Your Congresspeople
Let your representatives know how you feel! Issues get addressed the fastest when there are many people being vocal about them. Find your Wisconsin senators and representatives here! If you’d like, here (will draft this) is a list including some ideas for talking points you could include! |
Read about each candidate before elections, and choose the ones that best represent you! Clean energy is far more likely to become available if we vote for candidates who will put time and effort into correcting these issues. Here are the upcoming elections in your area and how you can get registered to vote. Make your voice heard!! |
Attend City Hall and Community Meetings
If your city is debating whether to take action on an energy issue, go to the meeting and be heard! Your representatives are more likely to pass legislation if they can connect ideas of issues in the community to the faces of the people experiencing them. |
Attend Our Events
CLEAN holds meetings and events often! Come learn more about clean energy and what you can do to help at one of our meetings, listed on our events page! |
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